Faith at Work Story Interview
My next book is Faith at Work, a companion guide for Faith Beats Fear. In it, I will explore how to leverage power, love, and a sound mind at work. We spend so much of our time, effort, and energy at “work.” It’s often the driver of our desires. Yet, there is a tendency to keep our professional life separate from our faith. Through story and Scripture, Faith at Work will offer practical tips and shine the light on Biblical truths that will encourage readers to act faithfully in their daily work.
I want to feature you in my next book.
I want to include real stories from people like you! Stories of divine provision, moments when you depended on your faith at your job, or how you overcame fears throughout your career. Whatever way faith has shown up and showed out in your work life, I WANT TO FEATURE YOUR STORY.
I believe storytelling builds faith and heals fears. Your testimony may very well be the answer to someone’s prayer. Even if it’s one sentence or what you’d call an “ordinary” example, know that God’s extraordinary power will use it for His good. By sharing your own testimony, you can help others make it through their tests of faith.
What Do You Need to Do?
Set up a quick 20-minute interview with me (see below). I will ask you questions about your faith and ways you’ve used it as an employee and/or entrepreneur. I will also ask about how you’ve witnessed God’s power, love, protection, provision, and peace throughout your career.
After the interview, what happens?
I will review the notes from our recorded call and select the best pieces that fit. Please note I will edit your quotes for grammar and clarity, and I won’t include your entire interview. I will e-mail you the text that I will include in the book.
What will you get?
You'll get to inspire other faith leapers and fear fighters! There’s no compensation, but as a token of my appreciation, I will send you a free copy of the book and include your name in the Acknowledgements! Feel free to brag that you’re an author too – I mean technically-kinda-sorta.
What if you want to maintain your privacy?
I get it and understand if you’d like to remain anonymous. I’m happy to give you a fictitious name to protect your privacy.
Do you know someone else who might be great for this?
Share this link with them: